Buddhist Dinning Lifestyle

Buddhism plays a vital role in following the ethical values, spirituality and vegetarianism. Buddhist lifestyle is living in simplicity, peace, gratitude, wisdom and compassion. Since Buddhist meditate more hence they are very conscious of their food habits. Most Buddhists are vegetarians, but many Buddhists in Buddhist countries are not. The main idea is how each individual strictly follow and one takes the vow not to harm any life. East Asian "Buddhist" differs from Western vegetarian in one aspect that is avoided killing plants life. 


 Many had kitchens to cook mushrooms, vegetables, gourds, fruits, and all kinds of dishes made of bean curd. They also prefer dairy products and flours like wheat flour, corn flour, rice flour. Cow’s milk, black sesame seeds, and bee honey are also highly nutritious foods. Their food habits are very healthy and nutritious.They prefers vegetables for five reasons: They contain vitamins that aid digestion, they prevent nutritional deficiencies, they help prevent obesity, they improve blood circulation, and they prevent and help cure cancers.

Alcohol and other drugs are also avoided by many Buddhists because of their effects on the mind and "mindfulness". It is part of the Five Precepts which dictate that one is not to consume "addictive materials". The definition of "addictive" depends on each individual but most Buddhists consider alcohol, tobacco and contraband drugs to be addictive.

Representation of three main things placed on a Buddhist altar


Buddhists always decorate their altars with bright flowers from every season. Flowers appear to smooth our hearts and relieve our troubles. Altars should constantly have actual flowers relatively than non-natural flowers. Appearing at the weakness of a living flower reproduces back on our own transience. In Buddhism, flowers symbolize concern, one of the two major characteristics of Buddha beside with wisdom. Sympathy alleviate suffering and provides happiness.


Candles can regularly be originated on a Buddhist altar. Their light symbolizes wisdom, the second quality of Buddha. Wisdom permits us to see what is in advance; light allows us to see that expectations.


When Buddhists give their respects to Buddha at the altar, they present fragrant rile in order to sanitize their bodies. When screening high opinion for someone else, additional effort should be finished to show politeness to smell nice. So, unnecessary to say, these works are performed with reverence for Buddha in this way.