Archaeologists Maintain To Have Exposed “World’s Oldest Buddhist Shrine” At Site Of Buddha’s Birth

A high-profile archaeological discovery in Lumbini, Nepal- the Buddhist pilgrimage place thought to be the Buddha’s origin- has opened assumption that the Buddha’s birth date may be as much as a century earlier than commonly thought.Archaeologist Robin Coningham led a group whose mine underside an existing third-century BCE shrine of World’s Oldest Buddhist Shrine uncovered a much older temple, dated to the sixth century BCE.
Coningham claims, in an editorial published in the December issue of Antiquities journal, that his team uncovered the “oldest Buddhist shrine in the world.” The mine was partly funded by UNESCO and National Geographic. Then the latter will air a documentary regarding with these discovery on its cable channel this coming February, entitled is “Buried Secrets of the Buddha.”
“UNESCO is very proud to be associated with this important discovery at one of the most holy places for one of the world’s oldest religions,” said UNESCO Director-General Irina Bokova, who urged “more archaeological research, intensified conservation work and strengthened site management” to ensure Lumbini’s protection.


Unknown said...

Good article.
I'm trying to find the author on Tengu House for the article Fo Guang Shan.
With palms folded
Rev. Hui yong

Zano Underain said...

good post !
i've been trying to find something like this.