Buddhist art makes appeal for nature

It's general knowledge that in earliest Chinese folk insight, the tiger has a negative implication - a large, remarkably ferocious wild animal, tigers have been sought for centuries and are now extremely in danger of extinction.

Though, Free Tiger proceeds to Mountains, a new show from Buddhist theoretical artist Zhang Huan on demonstrate at Pace Beijing, is hoping to revitalize this near-extinct species in a predominantly outstanding and ironical way - by portraying them completely out of ashes collected from joss firewood in Buddhist temples. In this method he turns his compliment to the tiger into a religious poem.

Inspired by the odd deaths of several tigers in the Shenyang Forests Wild Zoological Garden in Liaoning Province, Zhang determined to create the artwork to move up awareness of tiger preservation between the Chinese population. According to the essential concepts of Buddhist faith, all creatures justify the same opportunities to live as naturally as possible in peace and silence.

I want, to some level, to pass the communication to people that the idea of free tigers is connected to the central residents of Buddhism," Zhang said. "Since ash represents the wishes of people who blaze the firewood in memory of the dead, this artwork speaks to the spirit of man as well as the souls of the dead tigers."

Zhang supposed that he doesn't recognize of any other artists working with joss firewood in the similar way and maintains to have "patented" the method. Although a challenging and novel artistic technique, it's positively broken compared to Zhang's original idea for the exhibition.

"Our unique plan was to bring in actual live tigers to the balcony, where people could view them through glass," Zhang said. "It would be like a natural zoo, where people could see how tigers live and still how they chase for food. Suitable to safety rules, though, we had to discard this idea."

Zhang said that his adaptation to Buddhism five years ago carried him to "a place of peace in my mind" and stimulated him to accept a religious name, "Ciren," ci meaning mercy and ren meaning people - a grouping which has had thoughtful influence on his work.

"I want people to see the concealed meanings in my artwork, to suffer peace and consider while they understand them," Zhang said. "I'm constantly trying to fill my art with the legitimate personality of the Buddha and his love for all living things."

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