About Buddhism in America

Buddhism is a religion with more than millions of followers in North America, including conventionally Buddhist Asian Americans as well as non-Asian exchanges. America presents a prominently new and different environment for Buddhists, leading to an exclusive history and a long-lasting process of growth as Buddhism and America come to holds with each other.

The history of the emission of the Buddhadharma all over Asia from its position of source in India is the history of cultural and dharmic separation. In coming to a new society, Buddhism altered to become accustomed to that culture, and the resulting different tradition was kept within the culture to which it was personalized to prevent the disagreement with other forms of Buddhism. But when it annoyed the big water to America, this process of emission resulting in differentiation broke down, and was displaced by a new process of cross-cultural combination within Buddhism. America is not Asia; America is a genuine working social and cultural melting pot. This new process of addition among the various different kinds of Asian Buddhism is an important driving force following the development of American Buddhism. There is no “racial divide” intrinsic in this inherent, ongoing, and predictable cultural activity. Each and every Buddhist in America, of any individual history, of any culture, and of any civilization, does it to some level and on some level, by requirement, and by default, every single day.

In America, we do not consider in, do not support, and do not finally allow, the countless implied cultural and administrative fences by which the different ilks of Buddhism have been kept split from each other in Asia. Asian Buddhists in America are dissimilar from Asian Buddhists in Asia since they are constantly tackled, in their daily survival, with additional forms of Buddhism than that of which is theirs traditionally.

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